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Trademark Agent at intelproplaw.com

Job Information
Job Title: Trademark Agent
Primary Area of Law: Trademark Prosecution
Secondary Area of Law: Commercial Agreements
Position Type: Partner
Employer Type: Law Firm
Experience Required: At least 6 years.

Job Description:
This is a sample job posting for a trademark agent. Feel free to post any positions that are available to the Job Center at intelproplaw.com.

Last Modified: Sep. 17, 2024
Job-id: LJ59

Job Location
City: Boston
State/Province: Massachusetts
Country: United States

Job Contact
Contact: Recruiter
Telephone: 123-123-1235

Firm/Company Information
Firm: intelproplaw.com
Firm URL: http://www.intelproplaw.com
Contact: Recruiter
Telephone: 123-123-1234
Fax: 123-123-1235
Address1: 123 Main Street
Address2: Suite 456
City: Boston
State/Province: Massachusetts
Country: United States
Zip/Postal: 12345

Other Information:
Feel free to post any positions that are available.

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